It’s that time of year again! As the season changes – the sun lower in the sky, crisper air and cooler temperatures – it’s time to think about the house plants that have been outside all summer long.
A reliable gauge for knowing when to bring your plants indoors is when the temperatures dip below 45 F degrees. Most tropical plants will suffer damage at temperatures below 40 F degrees, a few even below 50 F degrees.
The first thing to consider is where to put them. There are a few space considerations!
First, find an area in your home with good light! It could be near the windows or a place where there’s natural lighting. There are plants that need more light than others, so if you don’t have that possibility you could look for some lamps that imitate natural lighting.
Second, find or create your own shelving situation based on the plants you have. HINT: you will get better use of your space by staggering your plants. Elevate some – even with a singular stool. Hang some if possible.
Once this is established, it’s time to prepare the plants for an indoor life. That means clean out old dead foliage/blooms . . . and check for bugs!!
Inspect plants for insects, which usually live on the underside of leaves. You can find them by touching the leaves and feeling for bumps. You will also need to check for diseases and treat as appropriate before bringing plants back inside.
Once they’re all inspected, cleaned up and ready to move inside, you can stop all feeding and fertilizing. In the fall, and especially in the winter, plants are ready to rest; they have been growing, producing and blooming all those hot summer months.
It’s a wonderful thing to be surrounded by green all winter long… not to mention the good vibrations of tending to your special plants during the harsh, cold winter months.
Stay tuned for more tips from our plant care experts.